About us


We are pioneers.
We like to do things that no one else has ever done.


We are forward-looking,
but also true traditionalists, because Paul Schatz discovered the eversion kinematics, on which the rhythmic movement is based, more than 90 years ago (see “History”).


We are dreamers,
but also true realists. However, we do not reduce the concept of “reality” to the supposedly “real”.


We love the wave, not just the particle.
We are not adherents of a materialistic worldview, but think and feel in broader dimensions.


We act spontaneously and purposefully
and always try to take the widest possible point of view and involve all levels of reality and experience.

Tobias Langscheid,
Preserver and Visionary


Tobias Langscheid is the grandson of Paul Schatz and has made it his life’s mission to preserve and develop his grandfather’s legacy. This commitment has resulted in numerous innovative products, artistic performances and informative events. Tobias heads in Basel the Kuboid GmbH, which manufactures and distributes the Rhythmixx.

No one knows more about eversion kinematics and the oloid. And no one can explain the eversion better (for more details on this special movement see “History”). Please visit the website kuboid.ch and dive into the world of “eversed” products!

Burkhard Hickisch,
Nutrition innovator and reality coach


Burkhard Hickisch is a bestselling author in the field of nutrition and has especially made the green smoothie known in the German-speaking world. In addition, he has a lot of experience with living water and freshly made celery juice. His passion is the exploration of food quality from the perspective of rhythmic life energy. For him, the rhythmizing of water and of liquid foods is a new “cultural technique”. Burkhard is convinced that rhythmizing will soon be practiced in every kitchen and will have a decisive impact on the production process of liquid foods. (If you would like to learn more about Burkhard Hickisch’s work as a nutrition innovator and reality coach, visit his website www.burkhard-hickisch.de)










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Abonnieren Sie unseren Rundbrief! Sie erhalten wertvolle Tipps und Neuigkeiten rund um das Rhythmisieren. Wir informieren Sie in unregelmäßigen Abständen u. a. über Neuigkeiten aus der Forschung und über Erfahrungsberichte von Anwendern.


Rhythmizing is a natural technique that invites us to take on a new view of the world. Working with the Rhythmixx raises our awareness and ultimately leads to more sustainable consumption. Find out more about what drives the Rhythmixx team to develop “products for eternity”.


We attach utmost importance to valuable and sustainable production, which is why we work with people with whom we have personal contact. Learn more about the design and manufacture of the Rhythmixx.


Rhythmizing with the Rhythmixx creates a “tumbling motion”, which is based on the geometric shape of the oloid. Discover the origins of the Rhythmixx and learn more about the innovative, natural form of movement on which it is based.