Why rhythmizing?

Short crash course in reality-philosophy


Everything is swinging!

To fully understand rhythmizing, we need to understand how our world works. In order to do this, we must let our gaze pass through the surface of things and appearances. As we penetrate deeper and deeper into material existence, we eventually realize that our seemingly fixed and clearly defined existence is composed of electromagnetic fields at the atomic level. Our being literally consists of the vibration between the negative and the positive pole. Тhe world would not appear, let alone be perceptible to us, if it were not so. The materially appearing world is bound to this mechanism and therefore philosophers speak of the dualism of existence. Our organs of perception put the vibrations together in such a way that a seemingly separate world of subject and object arises. By the way, TV screens work the same way: they transfer electromagnetic radiation into images that allow us to perceive a certain reality.

Electromagnetic vibrations are not a technological invention, but the basis of being in our world. Information is transmitted by a sequence of minus and plus (0 or 1). The vibration characterized by this alternating states is what we call “rhythm”. Rhythm is the change between plus and minus in space and time. Since the world consists of vibrations, it also consists of rhythm. Therefore every form of energy is rhythmic. Even the life energy in our own body. It cannot be otherwise in a cosmos where electromagnetism is a law of nature. And since life is equal to energy, all life processes in the cosmos run rhythmically. When we truly understand and feel this fact with every fiber of our being (and not just superficially in our head), it becomes clear that health, well-being and happiness have to do with the right rhythm.

How do I get into the right rhythm?

Counter question: Why can I be in the wrong rhythm? All natural processes in the cosmos take place in an inherently coordinated rhythm. Now mankind comes and disrupts this rhythm by the unnatural processes that we initiate and maintain all the time. We do this so vehemently and comprehensively that many are already talking of the “Anthropocene”, the age of man. And everyone can see it: Nature is out of balance, the rhythm is no longer right. But how do we get back into the right rhythm? We find our balance again when we deeply understand that our life energy acts rhythmically and that we are healthy and happy when we vibrate in harmony with the entire cosmos, with the “Great Whole”. It is a question of restoring the state that has always been the case by nature before we interfere. And we always interfere when we make our separate view of things and temporary individual interest the measure of all things, thus forgetting that life (the world, being itself) is a rhythmic unit of vibration. Separation is an illusion!


Water is life is rhythm

In order to produce living forms, rhythm needs water. That is why water is involved in all rhythmic life processes. Like no other medium, water stores vibrations (light) by changing its own structure. When the water is in motion, it absorbs all the vibrations of the environment and is therefore in constant change. Stagnant water loses its structure and energy. But in nature water never stands still, it constantly changes its aggregate states, is always in motion, constantly changing its shape. Only man forces it to stop flowing by producing products in which the water does not live, cannot constantly change and communicate on the vibrational plane. Life is vibration, is permanent change of form. Everything changes constantly and goes through rhythmic phases.

Water is our food number one. The quality of the water we consume as drinking water or liquid in our food determines our energy status and thus our health and well-being. Therefore, we should make sure that the water we drink or consume in liquid foods has the right rhythm.















Rhythmizing means renaturation

To be healthy means to be whole means to be connected to the natural vibrations that pervade everything and are not separate from anything. To rhythmize water and liquid substances restores the natural state, because it brings the right rhythm of non-separateness into play. This is beneficial for both, the end consumer in the kitchen and the manufacturer of liquid products. What is rhythmized before drinking and eating tastes better, gives more energy and is better digestible. What is rhythmized in production has a greater effect, requires fewer substances in the water and also has a longer utilization period.


Rhythmizing as perfect mixing

We can also rhythmize without water. Due to the complex sequence of movements in the Rhythmixx, dry substances are mixed very finely with each other. And not only that: gases can also be combined very finely in this way. The Rhythmixx is the perfect mixer for:

• firm and firm

• solid and liquid

• liquid and liquid

• liquid and gaseous

• gaseous and gaseous

Due to its perfect swirling rhythmizing with the Rhythmixx leads to a fine and permanent mixing of substances, liquids and gases. This can happen because rhythmizing affects the vibrational plane on which everything is connected.

Learning to rhythmize is learning to understand how the world operates. Everything is rhythm. Everything is connected. Rhythmizing is a cultural technique that connects us with nature in its original prior state by creating a harmonious connection on the vibrational plane. In this way rhythmizing promotes the conscious perception and permeation of life processes and strengthens our conscious participation in the world in which we live.

Rhythmus als natürliche Bewegung

Warum brauche ich ein besonderes Gerät, um wieder in den richtigen Rhythmus zu kommen?


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Hier erfahren Sie, warum Sie Ihr Trinkwasser rhythmisieren sollten.


Lernen Sie die Funktionsweise der Rhythmixx kennen und die Bewegungsabläufe beim Rhythmisieren verstehen. Entdecken Sie den Rhythmus des Rhythmisierens und rhythmisches Mischen.