Rhythm as natural movement


“It makes sense to me that the world is out of rhythm in many areas, I can feel that. But why do I need a special device to get back into the right rhythm?”


That’s a good question. Of course, no one needs a special device to live again one´s own rhythm. Nevertheless the Rhythmixx is a tool that helps us to connect specifically and quickly with the natural energy of life on the vibrational plane via the water. Nobody needs a car, everybody can walk. Nevertheless, a vehicle helps to get from A to B faster and safer. A car is a good means of movement because it can drive fast and slow, to the left and to the right, forwards and backwards.

Similarly, the Rhythmixx is an excellent means of motion that aligns the life energy in the water by swirling fluids left and right, accelerating and slowing them down, and mixing them perfectly by colliding opposing directions of motion.

The special movement sequence of the Rhythmixx imitates the forms of movement of water in nature. Even the natural cloud formation by evaporation (levitation) and the raining by droplet formation (gravity) is modelled by rhythmic acceleration and deceleration in the opposite eversion movement of the Rhythmixx.


When we expose drinking water and liquid foods to the rhythmic movement, the natural vibration returns, which transmits a high state of energy. And this energy then acts directly in the body – whether we feel it immediately or not.


What does a high energy state mean? It means to vibrate synchronously with the cosmic primordial force that creates and keeps our being alive by pervading everything, because it is inherently connected to everything. Let us remember: on the basic plane of being there are only (electromagnetic) fields and no separate beings. Separation is an illusion!

Energy cannot be produced or destroyed, it can only be transformed. When we no longer exercise disturbing influences, life communicates directly and fills us with the universal life energy without which nothing would exist (at least not as we know it).

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Folgen Sie uns zu einem kleinen Crash-Kurs in Wirklichkeitsphilosophie, entdecken Sie, warum Sie sich manchmal im falschen Rhythmus befinden und lernen Sie verstehen, wie Sie wieder in den richtigen Rhythmus kommen.


Hier erfahren Sie, warum Sie Ihr Trinkwasser rhythmisieren sollten. Renaturiertes Wasser schmeckt nicht nur besser, sondern liefert Ihnen auch mehr Energie und stärkt dadurch Ihre Vitalität.


Lernen Sie die Funktionsweise der Rhythmixx kennen und die Bewegungsabläufe beim Rhythmisieren verstehen. Entdecken Sie den Rhythmus des Rhythmisierens und rhythmisches Mischen.