Our vision and mission


Rhythmizing as a new cultural technique


Rhythmizing invites us to perceive the world from a new perspective. This new perspective does not regard the world materialistically as consisting of separate objects, but as an energetic unit. Over a hundred years ago, quantum physics discovered that something can be both a “particle” and a “wave”. So far we have relied too much on the particle aspect and have lost the sense of the unity of all life. However, if we look at our existence from the point of view of the “wave”, seemingly separate objects dissolve and vibrational energy fields emerge which, by their respective rhythms, not only create space and time, but also all the beings and objects that populate and structure our apparent world.

When we integrate the energetic “wave domain” into our perception of the world, we also take a decisive step as humanity. We realize that everything is interconnected and that everything we decide and do always naturally – due to the wave character of being – affects everyone and everything. When we vibrate in the right rhythm of being, we are compassionate, tolerant and creative in the permanent shaping of reality, which under the surface is constantly changing in its essence, because everything is constantly interacting with everything and celebrating the “dance of life” with each other.

By the way, suffering arises primarily from holding onto, repeating and identifying with transient forms and states. But as “vibrationally-gifted” rhythmic beings we are always free. Our happiness does not depend on circumstances, but always arises when we allow ourselves to vibrate freely in the polyphonic rhythm of being – without identification and full of surprises.

“Happiness is a complete standstill in absolute motion. ”

Raising the awareness of food quality


The nutritional quality of food depends on its natural energy content. In general we can say, the more natural, the more energy. Raw, unheated and not industrially processed food is what really nourishes us. It is what we are genetically programmed to eat. We are herbivores by nature, with broad molars and a long intestine to digest a plant-based diet. The systematic consumption of animal products emerged in the course of the Neolithic Revolution around 5,000 B. C. and although it increased our food security, there was a negative impact on our health and our mental-emotional well-being (e. g. compassion for all beings). Today there is a rethinking, because intensive animal husbandry and industrial agriculture have reached the end of the flagpole. At the moment, we have lost the sensitivity for our food. It is mainly about good taste and satiety, but not about what food does or does not do in our body.

Rhythmizing water and liquid foods opens our perception and sensitizes us to the subtle vibrations of our food. It is this vibrational energy that the body needs, because – as explained above – the body lives on energy (wave) and not on substances (particles). Substances are merely carriers of energy information. During the digestive process, they gradually dissolve to the point where they only release electromagnetic impulses, which in turn control our cell functions.

The use of the Rhythmixx in the private household or in the production of liquid (food) products leads to a more sustainable consumption and an environmentally friendly production, because the use of resources is more sensitive and conscious.

A new, holistic “sensory organ”


How do I perceive the life energy of food? How do I perceive energy as energy at all and not on the basis of its effects, which I register with my sense organs? I can see, hear, smell and taste. For these activities there are certain organs in different areas of the body. Another “sensory organ” that does not have specific receptors is feeling. It is linked to the whole-body sense of touch on the one hand and to reactive emotions such as fear, anger and sorrow on the other. Reactive emotions have their starting point in the head. Feeling as such, which as a basic quality, is free of emotions and more attributed to the heart area. The sentient heart unites. Being able to feel unrestricted by emotional reactions is an innate ability, but not yet a quality. Feeling can be flat or deep, limited or potentially limitless. Ultimately, feeling is the ability that sensitively pervades the whole of being and intuitively connects us with everything. In general, we can perhaps say: motion separates, feeling unites.

Feeling is fundamentally linked to the life energy. The conscious awareness of being alive is a sentient process that can be felt in the waking state. It is possible to sharpen this perception so that different degrees of energy become perceptible – apart from being registered by the conventional sense organs.

In terms of sensing life energy in food, the trick is the following: The potentially limitless, diffuse feeling is focused on the oral cavity, where it comes into contact with liquid or solid food. It is important to remain in touch with that feeling at the moment of food intake and to ignore individual sensations (such as temperature and taste). Since life energy is not a property of substances, but substances are an expression of life energy, the sentient consciousness must perceive the entire energy field and must not focus on individual effects (sensory stimuli).

How do I feel the content of life energy?

A high degree of life energy in your food is shown to a whole-bodily feeling mindfulness, for example by:

• Expanding space in the mouth cavity
• Taste is felt more at the roof of the mouth
• More transparency of food ingredients
• Greater pleasure of eating in the whole body
• Spontaneous joy of being really sustained

>>A high energy contentof the food expands the whole-bodily sensation, enlarges the space of awareness, increases the overall well-being, The energized food stimulates the (inherently limitless) feeling, and there is a kind of “ecstatic explosion” andthe feeling of perfect whole-body nourishment.You go beyond the pure satisfaction of hunger. You go beyond the pure satisfaction of hunger. A larger space becomes palpable and there is a pleasurable opening that enables you to sense the (potential) whole.

>>A low energy content of the food limits the sensation, narrows the space of awareness and focuses on the food as an “end in itself” – it must first and foremost taste good on the tongue and fill the stomach. There is a kind of “depressive implosion” on the concrete process of food intake and a limitation of the (potentially boundless) feeling. It is about satisfying needs in the already existing narrow space of one’s own (unconscious) perception.

The conscious act of rhythmizing (with the hand crank of the Rhythmixx, which does not need electricity) not only increases the energy content of water and liquid foods, but also strengthens the feeling by being invited to participate in high vibrational holistic fields. That is why we speak of a “new cultural technique”. It not only leads to a more conscious and healthier diet, but also rises of the sentient quality in the human being. Due to its potentially unlimited character feeling is always compassion. And compassion is the root of a truly human culture.

Many people today have become accustomed to be mainly in the head and looking at the world from there. At first they feel uncomfortable when being drawn into feeling (beyond emotions), because they are confronted with their tendentious superficiality and thus one-dimensionality. To avoid this (essentially very salutary) confrontation, they say phrases such as: “I don’t feel any difference after the rhythmic treatment” or “I can’t afford the Rhythmixx” or “I don’t have enough room in my kitchen”.

Yes, rhythmizing can be demanding, because established habits have to be questioned. However, it is not exhausting if I am willing to be more involved in the feeling dimension and to perceive the world not only materialistically, but also on the basis of vibration (and honor the “wave” aspect of being itself). The electromagnetic fields don’t just connect me to anything that has an effect on me. The connection is mutual. Even my own feeling, thinking and doing (or not doing) has an effect on everyone and everything.

Our musical rhythmizing aid should make it easier for you to immerse yourself in the sentient world of perception while rhythmizing and to devote yourself to that moment with full attention (please see “rhythmizing aids”).

What is my idea of reality?


Ultimately, it’s about one’s own worldview. Do I consider myself to be a separate being that must seek in order to assert and realize itself, or am I a being that feels at ease in the unity of being that is always already existing by nature, enabling me to act consciously, sympathetically and tolerantly, because all differences are nothing but an illusion?

If we would more allow the wave character of being and therefore vibrate in the right rhythm of reality, we as individuals and as humanity would be able to transcend all that (mistakenly) seems to separate us on the superficial plane of appearance. We will then be able to cooperatively act together and shape the reality of our lives in such a way that we will always have the good of all creatures and of the planet, on which they live, not only in our eyes, but deeply in our hearts.

Technology in conformity with nature


The technique on which the rhythmizing is based supports this holistic approach. It does not originate unilaterally from thinking and works against nature from a separate point of view, but on the contrary looks at the inherent interrelationships with nature. The basis is the eversion movement of the cube, which Paul Schatz discovered in 1929.

The movement sequence for rhythmizing is based on the movement of the edges and corners of the cube. When the cube is “everted”, the geometric shape of the oloid is created. (More about Paul Schatz’s discovery of the oloid can be found under “Rhythmixx-World” in the section “History”) While rotation as a drive technology often works against nature, eversion technology introduces a new principle of motion. It covers many areas of application, such as:

• Treatment of drinking water and liquid foods
• Production of rhythmized products
• Mixing and cleaning
• Water circulation and water treatment
• Ship propulsion
• Flying objekts

The technical differences in wind power and ship propulsion are particularly large. Wind power with eversion has a higher efficiency, is silent, does not generate infrasound and does not kill birds. It can even be mounted on roofs as an alternative or supplement to solar systems. In shipping, engines with oloid drive rhythmize the water, add oxygen and thus improve the water quality.

In tune with biological rhythms


Our liveliness is shaped by powerful rhythms. The heart and lungs set the pace for our health. 72 beats per minute, 18 breaths are the ideal of a balanced person. The pulse beat is our energy, the lungs connect with the world in a calm breathing rhythm and exchange the inside with the outside.

Heart and lungs work in a ratio of 4 to 1. The Rhythmixx also has a 4 to 1 rhythm. With each turn of the crank, the clamped container rotates 360°, performing four wobbling movements that cause the contents to be thrown four times in the opposite direction. Each tumbling movement is also associated with a change in speed – slowing down on one side of the Rhythmixx cylinder (into which the container is clamped) and immense acceleration on the other. With one turn of the crank, each of the four opposite tumbling movements increases the energy impulse.

Here lies the secret of the effectiveness of the living process with which you can rhythmically activate your products for your health. Pay attention to your own breathing when working with the Rhythmixx, then a good resonance will develop between you and the process!

In a nutshell


The eversion kinematics, which introduces the natural, three-dimensional rhythm of movement into mechanical engineering, protects the environment, promotes the switch to renewable energies and generally contributes to increasing the vibrational state on this planet. The rhythmic movement takes place according to quantum physical and thus cosmic laws and always acts “ad infinitum” in the subatomic electromagnetic fields. In this way, it works in all directions beyond the device and not only structures the water molecules in the water, but also in the air. In this way, it serves efficient climate protection when the nature-conforming eversion kinematics takes a larger part in the technological development.

For us the Rhythmixx is a first step towards giving the principle of rhythm – and the associated feeling (compassion) – a greater role in society.


Rhythmixx ROSSA

The special movement sequence of the Rhythmixx imitates the movement of water in nature. As a result, the nutrients are optimally processed and the energy content is significantly increased. The Rhythmixx ROSSA is a good choice for the modern kitchen with the highest demands on the quality of food.


Rhythmixx AZZURRA

The use of the Rhythmixx in the manufacture of liquid products noticeably harmonizes their consistency. For us the Rhythmixx is a first step towards giving the principle of rhythm – and the associated feeling (compassion) – a greater role in society. The Rhythmixx AZZURRA is ideal for small pharmacies and laboratories as well as the demanding household.


Rhythmixx ARGENTA

When rhythmizing with the Rhythmixx, the use of electricity was deliberately renounced. The hand crank allows a conscious participation in the energizing process, which strengthens the direct relationship between you and your drinking water and liquid food. The Rhythmixx ARGENTA embodies pure rhythm with its pure colouring.