Rhythmizing with the Rhythmixx

How the Rhythmixx operates

The novelty of the Rhythmixx is the eversion. his specific mode of movement makes it possible to swirl and mix water and other liquid foods in an extreme way, never possible before. When water is strongly moved, it forms a very fine molecular structure and is thus able to absorb the most diverse vibrational influences – for example of light and nutrients, but also of feelings and thoughts.

Because of this quality, the Rhythmixx is a “vibration harmonizer” that does not only increase the vibration (and thus the effect) of the rhythmized substances. The Rhythmixx also harmonizes the vibration between the product and the consumer, because manual operation allows that the user’s personal energy has an effect on the water.

Rhythmizing with the Rhythmixx –
A simple hand movement with great effect

The movement sequences during rhythmizing

When rhythmizing with the Rhythmixx, the large water cycle of the Earth takes place on a small scale. The water is swirled both to the left and to the right. In the reversal of the vortex, a very fine mixing takes place. And not only that: the swirling motion of the eversion accelerates the flow of water, but also slows it down. In addition to the swirling and mixing, there is also a levitation (acceleration) and a gravitation (deceleration).

When rhythmizing with the Rhythmixx, the water goes through its natural rhythm. It consists of:

• Swirling in streams

• Wave motion in rivers and oceans

• Evaporation with cloud formation (levitation)

• Rainfall and infiltration into the groundwater (gravitation)

In the following animation, the complex movement sequences during rhythmizing are vividly illustrated.

The Cosmic Rhythm

Right at the beginning of our rhythm research with the Rhythmixx we discovered that rhythmizing is itself also subject to rhythm. In other words: It is essential how fast and how long we rhythmize!

The best result is achieved with 72 rotations in one minute (or correspondingly 54 rotations in 45 seconds, 36 rotations in 30 seconds, 18 rotations in 15 seconds).

We were delighted to see that the rhythm of rhythmizing is embedded in cosmic rhythms. Life is alive because it vibrates in a universal rhythm that pervades all areas of life and connects them to a world of gross and subtle experience.

In order to manually achieve the right number of rotations, it is advisable to play music with the right rhythm and length during the process of rhythmizing.


Musical rhythmizing aid

The following song has a beat of 72 rotations per minute. To have the best result, please play this song while rhythmizing.

Rhythmisches Mischen

Mit der Rhythmixx lassen sich nicht nur Flüssigkeiten rhythmisieren, sondern generell verschiedene Substanzen fein und dauerhaft miteinander verbinden. Dies ist besonders interessant für die Herstellung von Produkten, wie z.B. Mehle, Öle, Tinkturen, Cremes und Shampoos, aber auch Wasch- und Reinigungsmitteln und Lösungen aller Art (mehr dazu siehe Anwendungen). Folgende Aggregatzustände lassen sich mit der Rhythmixx miteinander kombinieren:

• fest und fest

• fest und flüssig

• flüssig und flüssig

• flüssig und gasförmig

• gasförmig und gasförmig

Olive oil before and after rhythmizing

The two pictures shown here are part of a test series (spagyric crystal analysis) that we had carried out in 2020 with Dr. Wilhelm Höfer at Wasserstudio Bodensee. They show very nicely the effect that rhythmizing with the Rhythmixx has on the structure of the olive oil.

The crystal structure of untreated olive oil

The crystal structure of olive oil after rhythmizing

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Folgen Sie uns zu einem kleinen Crash-Kurs in Wirklichkeitsphilosophie, entdecken Sie, warum Sie sich manchmal im falschen Rhythmus befinden und lernen Sie verstehen, wie Sie wieder in den richtigen Rhythmus kommen.


Hier erfahren Sie, warum Sie Ihr Trinkwasser rhythmisieren sollten. Renaturiertes Wasser schmeckt nicht nur besser, sondern liefert Ihnen auch mehr Energie und stärkt dadurch Ihre Vitalität.


Der besondere Bewegungsablauf der Rhythmixx ahmt die Bewegungsformen des Wassers in der Natur nach. Entdecken Sie, wie die Rhythmixx Ihnen hilft, sich wieder mit der Natur zu verbinden.